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Today Fuel Price in Prema Service Station Unit Ii

Petrol Price
08 September
100.85 ₹/Litre Latest Price
Diesel Price
08 September
92.44 ₹/Litre Latest Price
X-Premium Petrol Price
08 September
Not Available Latest Price
Prema Service Station Unit Ii Google Map Location

Historical Fuel Price of Prema Service Station Unit Ii

Trend of Petrol Rate in Prema Service Station Unit Ii - Chennai, This Month2024

Petrol price
1st September Rs. 100.75
8th September Rs. 100.76
Highest Rate In September Rs. 100.86 on September 4th
Lowest Rate In September Rs. 100.75 on September 1st
Over all performance Rising
% Change +0.11

Trend of Petrol Rate in Prema Service Station Unit Ii - Chennai, This Month2024

Petrol price
1st August Rs. 100.75
31st August Rs. 100.75
Highest Rate In August Rs. 101.18 on August 14th
Lowest Rate In August Rs. 100.75 on August 1st
Over all performance Rising
% Change +0.42

Trend of Petrol Rate in Prema Service Station Unit Ii - Chennai, This Month2024

Petrol price
1st July Rs. 100.75
31st July Rs. 100.75
Highest Rate In July Rs. 100.98 on July 2nd
Lowest Rate In July Rs. 100.75 on July 1st
Over all performance Rising
% Change +0.23

Trend of Petrol Rate in Prema Service Station Unit Ii - Chennai, This Month2024

Petrol price
1st June Rs. 100.86
30th June Rs. 100.85
Highest Rate In June Rs. 100.98 on June 5th
Lowest Rate In June Rs. 100.75 on June 2nd
Over all performance Rising
% Change +0.23

Trend of Petrol Rate in Prema Service Station Unit Ii - Chennai, This Month2024

Petrol price
1st May Rs. 100.75
31st May Rs. 100.75
Highest Rate In May Rs. 100.98 on May 6th
Lowest Rate In May Rs. 100.75 on May 1st
Over all performance Rising
% Change +0.23

Fuel Station Details

Last 10 Day Petrol, Diesel Petrol Price in Chennai