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Petrol and Diesel price in Akola

Today Petrol price in Akola is Rs and Diesel Price is Rs .
Total number of Petrol Pump In Akola is 49.
Lowest selling price of petrol in Akola is Rs 104.11 ₹/Litre Highest selling price of petrol in Akola is Rs 104.11 ₹/Litre.
Lowest selling price of diesel in Akola is Rs 90.68 ₹/Litre Highest selling price of diesel in Akola is Rs 90.68 ₹/Litre.
The price of fuel petrol and diesel are set to a revision daily morning at 6 a.m.
Changing the petrol and diesel price daily in sync with the international markets is beneficial for both the consumers and the government. The petrol price is inclusive of all Maharashtra state taxes.

10 days historical fuel rate data of Akola Maharashtra

Today petrol , diesel and xtra premium petrol price rate in fuel pumps

Fuel Station Petrol Diesel Xtra-Premium Petrol
Pride Sales Service 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Janta Highway Service 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
The Akola Tahsil Co-op.agri- 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Vazifdar Co. 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
National Auto Service Centre 104.18 ₹ 90.74 ₹
Popular Service Centre 104.53 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Satguru Highway Service 104.24 ₹ 90.80 ₹
Anandani Auto Centre 104.34 ₹ 90.90 ₹
Anand Servo Petroleum 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Alankar Servo 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Bhimashankar Servo Centre 104.71 ₹ 91.25 ₹
Simrat Servo Centre 104.14 ₹ 90.71 ₹
Goodwill Servo 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Shiv Servo Services 104.30 ₹ 90.86 ₹
Guru Nanak Oil Corporation 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Hariom Sales 104.53 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Krishna Servo Kisan Seva Kendr 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Sati Servo Care Center 104.18 ₹ 90.74 ₹
Lahariya Servo 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Giriraj Servo ksk 104.50 ₹ 91.05 ₹
Doke Servo 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Shree Servo 104.21 ₹ 90.77 ₹
Shree Kholeshwar Servo Ksk 104.39 ₹ 90.94 ₹
Vardhaman Servo Ksk 104.46 ₹ 91.01 ₹
Shree Darshan Servo Ksk 104.17 ₹ 90.73 ₹
Jay Darshan Servo 104.22 ₹ 90.78 ₹
Thorat Servo Petroleum 104.53 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Megha Petroleums 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Mahesh Petro Station 104.53 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Om Gajanan Petroleum 104.28 ₹ 90.84 ₹
Sumitrai Petroleum 104.64 ₹ 91.18 ₹
Shiva Servo Petroleum 104.55 ₹ 91.10 ₹
Kausalya P Jaiswal Petroleum 104.47 ₹ 91.02 ₹
Shree Gajanan Petroleum Ksk 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Jain Petroleum 104.71 ₹ 91.25 ₹
Dakshata Petrol Pump 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Kanha Petroleum 104.18 ₹ 90.74 ₹
Ashoka Petroleum 104.53 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Shri Radhyekrishna Petroleum 104.71 ₹ 91.25 ₹
Nand Petroleum 104.22 ₹ 90.78 ₹
Suradkar Petroleum 104.32 ₹ 90.88 ₹
Hariom Sales adhoc 104.22 ₹ 90.78 ₹
Sarda Petroleum 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Rajeshwar Fuels 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Swami Krupa Gasoline 104.61 ₹ 91.16 ₹
Dwarkadhish Petroleum 104.38 ₹ 90.93 ₹
Ram Services 104.53 ₹ 91.08 ₹
Tayade Petroleum 104.11 ₹ 90.68 ₹
Tayade Petroleum adhoc 104.13 ₹ 90.69 ₹

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Petrol Price Calculation Per Litre for Maharashtra*

Last 10 Day Petrol, Diesel Petrol Price in Akola